The second release of Devflow is out with a couple of new features. The most exciting feature is the ability to install plugins using composer. Not just canonical plugins, but any plugin found in the Packagist repository. If you are interested in creating a plugin for release, check out the Plugin documentation. There are currently two plugins available for install: adminbar, cookie consent.

Here is the changelog for version 1.1.0:

  • Feature: Added ability to install plugins via composer
  • Feature: Added upgrade procedure via the terminal
  • Feature: cms:update:check command to check for new updates
  • Feature: cms:update command to update your system to the latest release
  • Feature: When an update is available, a message will appear in the backend
  • Feature: update_message filter hook added
Joshua P.
Developer & Amateur Nature Photographer

Joshua is a PHP Developer and digital nomad who loves nature photography, adventure, travel, and coding fun projects.