Devflow 1.2.0 minor release includes some bug fixes along with removing the `App` directory and replacing it with a core submodule. Themes is a new featured added to this version as well. You can install themes via composer and then enable a theme in the backend. To test out the new theme functionality, install the Vapor theme.
- Removed unused imports in
helper - Core is now a composer component/submodule
- Fixed issue with loading all the .mo files for translation
- Added theme features
- Added extension contract
- Deprecated: `App\Shared\Helpers\get_private_site_url(string $path = ''): string;`
- Deprecated: `App\Shared\Helpers\get_private_site_upload_url(string $path = ''): string;`
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0
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